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Abstracts of the ICA
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Articles | Volume 1
15 Jul 2019
 | 15 Jul 2019

Central Park Squirrel Census Maps

Nathaniel Garnett Slaughter IV

Keywords: New York City, Census Maps, Eastern Gray Squirrel

Abstract. In October of 2018, the first official squirrel census of New York City’s Central Park was conducted. Throughout the project’s 30-month duration, maps were a critical tool – from logistical planning and data gathering, to data analysis and presentation of census results. Of these project phases, two in particular generated important cartographical work, not only to the success of the census project, but within the historical lineage of Central Park maps: the Tally Map, which was used for squirrel and park data collection, and the series of maps to be used to present the census findings in the Official Central Park Squirrel Census Report.

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